At Missenden Abbey, Buckinghamshire. April 21-22. Great science; fine people; beautiful location.
As if following Ursula Mittwoch’s advice – “Be kind to colleagues”
At Missenden Abbey, Buckinghamshire. April 21-22. Great science; fine people; beautiful location.
As if following Ursula Mittwoch’s advice – “Be kind to colleagues”
Oxygen Evolution and Reduction – Common Principles
A poster | Orange_portrait_poster
Source: The Managerial University: A Failed Experiment? – Demos
By David West, “ independent researcher living in Canberra. Until 2013, he was Associate Professor of Political Theory at the Australian National University”.
A brilliant account of dark forces exerted on universities, deflecting their goals, activities and governance away from the advancement and dissemination of knowledge.
Related pages here:
What do universities actually do?
Ursula Mittwoch: “Be kind to colleagues”
A comment on academic freedom and the corporate university
A salute to whistleblowers – Peter Cameron’s blog
Use of word in misuse of power
Research assessment and REF
Not extinct
The bucket or the searchlight?
The Devil in the detail – Fanis Missirlis’s blog
CDBU Public Lecture by Thomas Docherty
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