John F. Allen's Blog at

10th July 2020

Beautiful baby boy born in Bern

Filed under: Diary — John Allen @ 3:55 pm

On March 8th, 2020.

I find few words to describe here my feelings on the birth of Aaron. A son to Sarah and Mariusz. Our grandson.

Carol and I drove to Bern so that Sarah would have her mother around, before and after. Aaron was born about ten days later than originally predicted, though clearly only a few days beyond term. 4040 g; 55 cm.

“Beautiful” is my value judgment, of course. Just occasionally in life one can surely be permitted to present opinion as fact.

There is a lifetime of thoughts on which to reflect. After months of hesitation, concern for privacy and so on, here are a few photos. This grandfather is as proud as can be, not just of the wonderful little man himself, but of the close and loving relationship between Sarah and Aaron, and between Sarah and Carol. We must have done something right.

Aaron is 15 hours old. Sarah is as tired, and as happy, as can be.
With proud father, and half-sister, Sophie. The nurse wears face protection; Switzerland was on the ball with Covid-19. The staff were wonderful. Bern University Hospital was outstanding in every respect.

We had to leave the day before Sarah and Aaron were discharged from hospital. March 11th, my own mother’s birthday. So day one is all I’ve seen of Aaron in real life, though photos and live video calls have been a blessing. We are planning a return visit in a few weeks’ time.

Sarah with Aaron at one month, 8th April.
Sarah with Aaron at two months, 8th May.
Aaron at three months, 5th June.
19th July. In Switzerland, face coverings are obligatory on public transport.

Beautiful baby boy born in Bern

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