Great thanks for such hospitality and generosity to Bill Martin and his colleagues at the Institute of Molecular Evolution, Heinrich-Heine-Universität, Düsseldorf. Bill is an outstanding scientist and has others in his superb institute. I particularly appreciated illuminating conversations with Sven Gould and Sriram Garg, as with fellow speakers Louis Tielens (Utrecht) and Dave Speijer (Amsterdam) at the mini-symposium on November 30th.
I also also thank Nicolas Smelling, whom I have not met, but who generously tweeted accurate summaries of my main points at the mini-symposium and a research seminar on December 1st.
Tweets: Popper; Mitochondria; CoRR
On Twitter: Sven Gould, Sriram Garg, Nicolas Schelling, John F. Allen.
A hashtag: #corrhypothesis
BM: If you lose the electron transport chain, you lose redox regulation, you lose the need the for an organelle genome @ProfJohnAllen
— Nicolas Schmelling (@DerSchmelling) December 1, 2016
Why do organelles retain a genome? Is it CoRR? Or are we still not a the end of genomic transfer? @ProfJohnAllen will have an answer
— Nicolas Schmelling (@DerSchmelling) December 1, 2016